martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

A on van les barques?

Aigua fosca marró,
sorra daurada:
corrent etern del riu
envoltat d'arbres.

Castells d'escuma, verd
de fulles clares...
A quin port aniran
les meves barques?

Passen sota el molí
amb l'aigua mansa
i 'sen van vall avall
entre les muntanyes.

Vall avall s'endú el riu
molt lluny les barques,
fins a altres nens petits
que les agafen.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Traduït per Jaume Subirana

2 comentarios:

  1. How lovely. I like the translation. This was one of my favourite poems from his "Child's Garden of Verses".

    Dark brown is the river,
    Golden is the sand.
    It flows along for ever,
    With trees on either hand.

    Green leaves a-floating,
    Castles of the foam,
    Boats of mine a-boating--
    Where will all come home?

    On goes the river
    And out past the mill,
    Away down the valley,
    Away down the hill.

    Away down the river,
    A hundred miles or more,
    Other little children
    Shall bring my boats ashore.

    The images make me think of sitting by the river dreaming of lands far away and the rhythm of the poem is like the water rolling along.


